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Rapoarte de recepție

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actualizată pe baza informațiilor tale despre recepție. Comentariile tale pentru fiecare beam sunt de asemeni disponibile sub hartă

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Transmisie (beam) 
frecvențe: Turksat 3A  West

Rapoarte de recepție detaliate și comentarii despre această transmisie:

2020-11-28 13:39:41On4dsl (-,0cm) ? Dish 120 CM. Strong signal signal 63 Quality 76 City Houthulst North Belgium

2019-05-07 11:06:37ony86 (39.1N-36.1E,90cm) good quality

2019-05-07 11:06:32ony86 (39.1N-36.1E,90cm) good quality

2018-08-31 08:56:01CCTVM (38.9N-8.3W,120cm) I can have signal near Portugal with Sky Sat 0.8db dish. It shows 68 channels (30 are them are radio)

2017-01-18 10:44:34spinner (45.5N-9.2E,120cm) not all frequencyes are ok

2015-12-27 18:40:17chistera (43.5N-1.8W,120cm) ? signal ok biarritz

2013-04-17 21:49:11podravec (-,0cm) ? 45,5 N - 17,9 E , 90 cm , odličan prijem , fiksna antena , 0,1 db LNB , Podravina , Croatia

2012-07-21 17:05:05SANCAKTAR (41.3N-32.8E,120cm) ? 120 ofset anten full sinyal

2012-01-18 20:06:15Haklibakli (-,80cm) ? Ragazzi per prendere Turksat 42° dalla Puglia bastano 80cm?

2012-01-18 20:02:53Haklibakli (-,80cm) ? Ragazzi per prendere Turksat 42° dalla Puglia bastano 80cm?

2012-01-18 19:48:32Haklibakli (-,80cm) ? Ragazzi per prendere Turksat 42° dalla Puglia bastano 80cm?

2011-05-11 22:23:25iveco2004 (37.5N-4.3E,150cm) je suis à alger estce que on peut capter turksat42est avec une parabole 110/120cm merci de me repondre.

2011-04-14 09:39:49GBI (52.4N-5.5E,110cm) Also available on 78cm, perfect.

2010-12-26 01:31:37antonello38 (45.3N-7.4E,125cm) ? Ciao si con la tua parabol da 85 cm non hai problemi, il canale che cerchi ha una copertura molto forte su tutta l'europa centrale, e dalla ta posizione il segnale è più che buono anche con condizioni meteo avverrse.

2010-11-12 04:10:22bababa80 (-,85cm) ? sono di riace (rc) italia vorrei un'informazione,O UNA PARABOLA DI 85cm è VORREI RICEVERE IL SAT 42est PER IL CANALE TV8 TURKEY LO RICEVO IL SEGNALE A QUESTIO DIMENSIONI?

2010-01-09 09:01:57Audrius (-,0cm) Good

2009-02-19 22:47:08bertjan (52N-5.6E,85cm) also 65 cm works

2009-02-12 20:00:51BRIZ (-,120cm) ? J AI UNE PRABOLE 120 RECVORE EN ALGRIE

2008-09-01 06:38:05lassaed (35.3N-11E,100cm) I am lassaed bayoudh from Ksour Essaf,Tunisia. I am looking how can I receive the signal of Turksat.

2008-09-01 06:32:32lassaed (35.3N-11E,100cm) in Tunisia and generally in north Africa , the signal of Turksat is bad. I note that people with a big size of the dish seem more likely to receive that signal. otherwise, the east beam is not received at all even with a big dish.

2008-08-13 22:12:05bomag (39.5N-21.9E,120cm) ? greece good signal to all h-v

2008-08-09 23:31:02iyimser (34N-6.8W,120cm) ? y-t-il qq'un qui peut me dire si on peut capter ce sat Au Maroc Rabat et région ???

2008-08-04 21:45:54Jedin (64.5N-21.1E,110cm) Good signal to all

2008-07-21 08:26:42satsearcher (53.7N-1.7W,120cm) 100% signal

2008-07-19 16:28:15godmaster (51.7N-0.6W,43cm) ? Sky Minidish Zone 1 with standard LNB. Can get Olay TV, Kanal 55 and Fashion TV 60% SQ, Gaziantep Olay 40-60%, Vatan TV 30% but watchable. Occasionally can get BenguTurk, but nothing off the other transponders at present...

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